Between Two Worlds has posted some excerpts from a review of this book from Kristen Scharold. You can read the full review here. The conclusion of the review is below along with the most memorable quote from Kristen's review. Enjoy.
"In the end, the authors of Why We’re Not Emergent are not making a case for a new kind of Christianity. They are not trying lure emergent Christians into their fold with a hipper take on things. "We want a story with a climax...And if that story comes with a Guinness and some Coldplay, great. If not, no big deal."They are simply trying to replace the errors of the emergent church—which is, nonetheless, making important contributions to evangelicalism—with scripturally sound theology.
And it should not be so counterintuitive that young evangelicals such as myself prefer theology rooted in tradition to a spirituality waffling in relativism. We want a story with a climax so profound that it leaves us worshiping God, not reducing him to fit into our cultural paradigm. And if that story comes with a Guinness and some Coldplay, great. If not, no big deal."
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