The other if for no other reason than its name alone has been placed in my blogroll. The name of it is Poop is Emergent Too. I'll just go ahead and say that you're probably not going to be as blessed and edified choosing this one over Contend Earnestly. However, if you dig deep enough you can certainly glean some blessings and insights from these guys along with a few laughs. Here is an excerpt from a Benny Hinn post. He references a quote of Benny's in which he has this comment about it. Classic stuff.

"Benny Hinn cracks me up…in a strange sort of way…My favorite part is..where he says he is talking to Jesus, but he is not sure if it is true or not. As if Jesus has a credibility problem. (Come on Jesus, don’t lie to me…) Oh Benny, you are funny, but you should live it up now, cause as I understand it hell is hot."
Laughter is kinda edifying :)... I love the contend earnestly blog though so I will agree he is more edifying...
thanks for the props...David over at poopy is a funny dude and loves to poke the emergents with a stick...going over there always makes me laugh...
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