Friday, January 25, 2008

"He raised taxes"

Here is a comment: Thats Joseph Smith, the great Mormon prophet whispering in is ear. Mitt is a moron and a Mormon, and he will never be president. Looney as Tom Cruise.
I had to share that comment since I almost laughed out loud when I read it. The more I watched this though the angrier I became. Yeah there are several people saying that it was Brian Williams whispering to Russert to basically explain what "The Reagan" did about Social Security. Then I have also read where it was an audio "flub." There was also a comment that perhaps it was McCain helping Mitt out. Give me a freaking break. It is more likely that Mitt has the ability to think out loud than any of these other explanations. I want to rage against the powers that be who think all Americans are lemmings who will follow the piper to the cliff and be happy to jump off. There is no mention of this on MSNBC about this. Oh wait... there was a mention of it but evidently it was removed from their site. Why? If it was really a glitch or a "flub" why not address it and put to death any confusion? I just hate to be jerked around like nothing happened. Though I guess with Romney's lead in Florida there may be more lemmings than I thought. Or maybe I am just paranoid and I feel the need to express my anti-Romney bias.

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