Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Michael Mckinley over at The 9Marks Blog has a very funny article about the Sunday he recorded several televangelists. Two of my favorite quotes are below.

"Rod Parsley

-- Homiletics lesson #3 -- If you lack the authority that comes with the truth, garner authority by screaming and then staring into the camera like a serial killer."

"And finally, Ed Young TV

-- After all the prosperity gospel stuff, Ed Young, Jr. seems like Charles Spurgeon.

-- We're talking sex today on Ed Young TV. At one point he said, "When you make love to your spouse, you are like the Trinity. You can't tell where one ends and another begins." Those, gentle reader, are the two least sexy sentences ever uttered.

-- If When I become the old guy dressing twenty years younger than I am, please tell me. I don't blame Ed Young for dressing like he's a 25 year old with a perma-tan. I blame the people around him who enable it. It's not OK. Ed, I say this as a friend... it's time to rock the distinguished professor look."

1 comment:

Seth McBee said...

do I laugh or throw up...

:::not sure:::

uh oh...

:::vomited in mouth:::