Tuesday, January 15, 2008


What is this? Well the definition from m-w.com is 1 : the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure : skill in discerning And the definition for discerning is showing insight and understanding. So I guess a discernment ministry would be one that is able to grasp and understand with insight things that are Biblical. Or nonbiblical?
After reading this post from Between Two Worlds I began to think about one of the issues he raised and another issue that really fuels the whole "discernment (for lack of a better word) movement." The one issue he raised that I want to comment on is the mean spirit or feel from some of these ministries. I only read one of these discerning blogs with any regularity, and a couple more on rare occasions if I see something interesting. From the first time I visited these blogs to this day I can honestly say that I have never read any post that I could describe as grace filled words. Sure there are posts on these blogs that point to church leaders past and things they have said or hymns written that are great reminders and motivators. But never have I seen a story or post that pointed to a church or ministry that was doing what they thought was Biblical with encouragement or praise to God. Please do not read between the lines here or try to find the hidden meaning in my last few statements. I am not saying that these ministries are not loving. I am not saying that they are spiritually oppressed by a demon of meanness either. I am simply stating that the impression I get when I visit the only discerning sites I have visited is that there is a tone about the words that is not indicative of grace.
In the post linked above from Between Two Worlds Challies said this, "
So while I appreciate that there are many bloggers and webmasters and others out there who are interested in guarding the church and who value being able to see in the black and white terms so necessary for biblical discernment, I believe we have not properly done our task of discernment until we have spoken the truth in love." The reason I am even posting on this is because by nature I'm very critical. And I also love to be right. So when I can point my big bad righteous finger at some of the big names of Christendom then it makes me feel better about being me. It makes me feel like I have some insight some nugget of truth that God especially chose to reveal to me and not them. I know it is wrong. I know it is sinful. And God has really worked in me in this area. Granted I need infinitely more work. But that is why I appreciate Challies' quote here to remember love and remember grace. And the best way to do this is to remember Jesus and the cross.
Later, I will look at what I mentioned earlier, the issue that really fuels discernment ministries.

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